Nuisance was liberalised in Finland 1.1.2019
On 5 December, the President of the Republic confirmed the amendments to the Rescue Act concerning the organisation of chimney-sweeping services. The amendments will enter into force on 1.1.2019.
In the past, Finland has had a system where the rescue service in each region selects a district rescue officer. For 6 months, the district chimney sweep had the exclusive right to provide chimney sweeping services in his/her area at a price decided by the rescue services, during which time the customer could not order chimney sweeping services from any other service provider. The rescue services are no longer obliged to provide chimney-sweeping services in their territory.
Moving from district fumigation to contract fumigation
In future, customers will be able to choose the provider they want in their home. Only a person with a professional qualification as a chimney sweep may continue to provide chimney sweeping services. The chimney sweep must provide the customer with a certificate of the chimney sweeping work carried out. Defects and deficiencies that pose a fire risk must be identified so that the customer can take the necessary measures.
The owner, occupier and operator of a building must ensure that, in the case of common areas and apartments, fireplaces and chimneys are kept in a condition that allows them to be used safely. In addition to fire safety, chimney-sweeping activities aim to save energy, protect the environment and improve human health.
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