happy father's day

Happy Father's Day!

Worldwide, Father's Day has roots going back more than 100 years. It originated in the United States, where it was first celebrated in West Virginia on 5 July 1908. For a long time after that, it was not celebrated anywhere until 1924, when the President of the United States decided that Father's Day should be an official holiday. After that, the celebration of Father's Day slowly began to spread around the world. In the Nordic countries, Father's Day was first celebrated in the late 1940s at the suggestion of Swedish merchants. In Finland, Father's Day only became common knowledge in the 1970s. Father's Day is not an official holiday in Finland, although it is a day of flags. Father's Day only became an official flag day on 14 March 2019, when the Finnish Government approved an amendment to the Flagging Decree adding Father's Day as an official flag day. Father's Day is always celebrated in Finland on the second Sunday of November.

Father's Day 2019 is celebrated in Finland on Sunday 10.11.2019. The Father's Day flag-raising takes place between 8 am and sunset (Helsinki around 16 ... Utsjoki around 14.20). The times are based on the flagging decree and discussions with the Ministry of the Interior. Private citizens may flex the flagging times, e.g. due to work schedules. On Father's Day, friendly property managers will raise the flag in every property, housing estate, commercial property, public property, school and kindergarten in honour and memory of fathers.

Father's Day, as the name suggests, is celebrated in honour and memory of all fathers. The purpose of the day is to bring fathers and children closer together and to highlight the importance of the father in the family's everyday life. It is very important for children that when they are young, their father is with them a lot and does a lot of things with them. For many children, and especially for boys, the father is the most important model and role model in many things. As a father, you want to be a good role model for your children and give your time away from work and other busy lives to your children.

We at 24 Center thank all our partners. You have made it possible for us to provide services and help people with building services in thousands of homes and families this year. You have saved many people's everyday lives and holidays. May this day be a day of honour and remembrance for all the fathers, plumbers, electricians, locksmiths, vacuum truck drivers, refrigeration fitters, glaziers, automation fitters, specialist cleaners and all other building services professionals. And don't forget to spend time with your children and wife. Often the little moments of rest and joy in everyday life together are the best moments that stay with you for a long time. Thanks for all your help!

Long live the Finnish man! Thank you for existing. We would be lost without you. You, steady, true, familiar and safe as the forest at home.

There is no greater oath of love than to be hugged by your child and to have a place in a small heart so vastly reserved for you.

What is our daddy made of? Well, oil slicks and repairing overalls I guess, and Mercedes and motorcycles yes! Our daddy is made of salami and sauna, big emotions and hugs!

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