
24 Center - The party saviour

A sure sign of the start of summer is the celebration of school leavers, and many homes have organised parties for both graduates and vocational graduates.

Have a safe Christmas

TOP 3 ways to a technically safe Christmas

Christmas is here! This is one of the busiest times of the year in terms of housework, with the house being cleaned, major cleaning work being carried out and more delicious meals being prepared in the kitchen. In the whirlwind of housework, you may find

lock and door opening

Quick lock and door opening

Quick lock opening by a professional Have you ever lost your keys or forgotten them in the wrong place? It can happen to anyone, and it's a situation you can and should prepare for

vallisaari easy coffee

Locksmith in Vallisaari

Off the coast of Helsinki, in the embrace of Suomenlinna and Santahamina, rises Vallisaari. Its cliffs and diverse, lush evergreen nature hide stories from centuries ago. Old elm trees and deciduous forests have testified to

entrepreneur's morning

Entrepreneur's morning

Entrepreneurs' time is often expensive. This time should not be wasted. One entrepreneur was losing a big chunk of that time one January day. A man sits in his kitchen in a classic