
24 Center - The party saviour

A sure sign of the start of summer is the celebration of school leavers, and many homes have organised parties for both graduates and vocational graduates.

24 Center offers 24-hour glass service for building services

Glass can be found in many different places at home. In addition to windows, it is used as a material for interior decoration. In the bathroom, for example, glass can be found in everything from sauna taps to shower screens and mirrors. Elsewhere in the home

window repair

Window repair

Anyone can need a window repair. It is normal, for example, for a ball to hit a window while children are playing and break it. In this case, a professional is needed immediately

Pheasant's Flight

Pheasant's Flight

There was a large field next to a settlement. Early in the morning, while it was still dark, a tractor drove into the field. Its bright headlights lit up the dark surface of the field and the steady roar of the engine

bustle along the bull road

Bustle along the bull road

All things have a story behind them. When we look around us, we see a lot of things we take for granted. Or rather, we think they are obvious, but everything always starts somewhere. When

deer in the living room

A deer in the living room

The May day was turning into evening. The sounds of everyday life quietened down, and one by one the lights began to come on in the windows of a high-rise building in Helsinki. Work had finished, the children had returned from school and

football and broken glass football and broken glass

Football and broken glass

The summer sunshine, the smell of new soil and bright summer evenings were a combination that always gave the children in the garden a boost. In the courtyard, there was a dark green strip of grass, where every summer

broken window glass

Replacement of window glass

Replacement of broken window glass with new one as an on-call service. It was a Saturday morning in February. The elderly couple's wife woke up and walked into the living room as usual. In the living room, the lady was shocked. The large 3-paned window in the living room

broken window glass

Repair of broken glass

Repairing broken glass in a window on a weekday. 24 Center's emergency call centre received a very typical call on Monday evening. The outer pane of a window in a private residence had been broken. The athletic boy in the house was

broken window glass

Window glass broken

Window glass broke - What to do next? Did the glass break? Most problems and damage in the home are easy to fix yourself, but when glass breaks, it's often a matter of