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Most ordered electrical and heating work in winter

In winter, the darkness and fluctuating temperatures highlight many of the everyday challenges that are reflected in our customer service contacts. Often these questions relate to the functionality of lighting, efficient heating and ensuring the safety of your home. In this blog post, we'll go through the six most common electrical alarms that occur during the winter - and how to

suction auto-repair

Drainage of a septic tank with a vacuum truck

Regular emptying of the septic tank is an important part of wastewater treatment, especially in areas without a municipal sewerage system. The emptying process is carried out by a suction truck, which sucks the waste from the septic tank and transports it safely for further treatment. Drainage of the septic tank prevents clogging, prevents odours and keeps the environment cleaner. Why is a septic tank emptied? Drive to

TOP 7 most ordered HVAC works in winter

Winter brings with it a range of weather conditions, from severe frosts to mild, sheltering temperatures. This can put your home's building services systems to the test. In winter, most of our alarm calls are related to HVAC work, such as frozen pipes and heating problems. See below for a list of the seven most common alarms and make sure you know how to

sewer does not drain

Your drain is not draining - what to do when your drain is blocked?

When the drain doesn't drain, it can be frustrating and cause chaos in the home. This is a common problem, especially in kitchens and bathrooms, where washing water and food residues go down the drain on a daily basis. However, a blocked drain doesn't always mean you need professional help - often simple things can help.

Freezing of pipes

How to thaw a frozen pipe at home

Finland's cold winters can pose challenges for water pipelines. Freezing of pipes is particularly common in older or poorly insulated buildings. Pipes in new buildings may also freeze in some cases. When a pipe freezes, the water stops flowing and the pressure inside the pipe increases. If a frozen pipe is not