
A professional on site when you want it, or right now - it's up to you.
Because getting help should be easy.

0,99 €/min + pvm or mpm





24/7 service

We'll find you the nearest available automation installer in your area.

We are your sole contractor and you will be served by a local professional.

Automation services 24/7

Is your district heating controller broken or did your automation system go into failure mode? Our on-call automation installers are ready to help you with all your building automation problems.

Installation work



Automation work

Automated helpdesk

HVAC automation

Building automation

Diagnostics and adjustment

Frequency converters

Monitoring equipment

Energy economy

Energy saving

Device in fault mode?

In the event of an automation failure, do not try to repair it yourself, as it is life-threatening! In the event of an accident, time is never wasted and finding a competent automation installer quickly is essential. By reacting to the problem immediately and calling our emergency service, you will save time and effort. Remember, you can reclaim your share of the work as a household deduction.

Automation services_kelt
Watch the video

You will always be served by a local automation installer!

We operate on a one-stop-shop basis and respond immediately to all your needs. A local automation installer knows the area and, ideally, even the building stock, can find you quickly and get the automation work done in no time. We prevent escalation of damage over the phone and dispatch a skilled automation installer in as little as 15 minutes.

Focus on quality and sustainability

You rarely get good things for cheap. A qualified automation installer can do the job properly and right the first time. Installations should work for the life of the home, even if many installations are modernised every few decades. Much of the installation is practically hidden inside the wall, so correcting any mistakes can be a big job. That's why it pays to choose a qualified automation installer who can do the job reliably and professionally.

0,99 €/min + pvm or mpm
Building services icon: automation installer

We are with you from start to finish

Is it frustrating that you have to contact several installers only to find out that the contractor can't take on more jobs?

Contact and order


After ordering you will receive a link to the tracking page

Our partner accepts the gig and will contact you



Our partner reports real-time information on the progress of the work

Billing and feedback

Contact and order

You will receive an order confirmation and a link to the tracking page

Your partner accepts the job and contacts you

Our app gives you real-time information on the progress of your work

Billing and feedback


Automation_yellow icon




110 €/h


Weekdays 7.00-15.00



(min. 2 h)

Other than on weekdays 07.00-15.00



150 €/h


Weekdays 7.00-15.00



(min. 2 h)

Other than on weekdays 07.00-15.00

Pricing according to time

At 24 Center, the price is determined by the time, scope of work and the amount of material used. Services are priced as weekday work in most areas Mon-Fri 07-15, while work at other times is generally on-call. For sector-specific, up-to-date prices, please also contact our customer service. Prices are always confirmed by the client before the work is carried out.

*) The work component also includes time spent on travel and support activities (e.g. visits to wholesalers and waste collection points). Minimum hourly billing to be taken into account. Minimum hourly rates according to general practice in the sector. In most sectors, the minimum hourly rate is 2h. Hourly billing is per installer. Some jobs may require more than one fitter (e.g. heavy work).

Orders received

Screaming smoke alarm

On a warm and peaceful June evening, a woman was spending a quiet evening at home. However, her pleasant time was interrupted by a sudden startling noise. The smoke detectors connected to the automatic alarm system of the house started to howl. The woman was, of course, at first startled to find out whether her house had caught fire. After a quick check, there was no sign of a fire, but the alarms were still howling. Normally, smoke alarms can be switched off by removing the battery at the latest. The system at the woman's home was more complex, and connected to a larger automation system. As a result, she was unable to turn off the malfunctioning alarms herself. The nerve-wracking wailing had been going on for dozens of minutes. Neighbours were already coming to wonder about the noise.

Automation installation in a bajamaja

On a snowy Friday morning in January, 24 Center's customer service center received a call from a customer who needed a weight button and three time relays installed in his bajama. The work was urgent as the bayama was due to be used over the coming weekend.

What do people say about our services?

This is what customers think of our services:

Leave a contact request!

We will contact you as soon as possible.

Preferred method of contact:

Automation installer 24/7

Is the device broken or did your automation system go into failure mode? Our on-call automation technicians are ready to help you with all your automation system problems, from troubleshooting to automation installations.




















24center Map of Finland

Frequently asked questions about
24 Center

24 Center - Genuine customer service 24/7

24 Center is a real estate technology services on-call centre that provides a high quality service for real estate technology services problems regardless of time and place. Customers can get help with one call for both urgent emergencies and non-urgent day-to-day work.

24 Center is located at Robert Huberintie 3 in Vantaa, Finland. From one office, 24 Center serves the whole of Finland for building services problems. In addition to Finland, 24 Center operates in Sweden and Norway. 24 Center is a 100% Finnish company and service innovation.

24 Center will arrange for the work ordered by the customer to be carried out by the real estate technology services professional who can be on site at the time the customer wants.

You can claim a household allowance for maintenance and renovation work in your home or leisure home. These include renovations to your kitchen, bathroom, other rooms or the sauna in a detached house. Electrical, plumbing and cabling work in a private house is also covered by the household allowance, as is, for example, painting an outbuilding or installing a security lock. For more information, see the tax office's website, which lists the different types of work depending on whether they are covered by the deduction or not: household allowance

The maximum household allowance in 2023 will be €2,250 per person. The household allowance only applies to the work component. 40% of the work component is deductible. When the company invoice has a labour component of €5875, you will get the maximum deduction.

Typical damages covered by home insurance include water damage caused by the breakage of pipes or connected appliances, fire, smoke and soot damage. The amount of compensation for water damage is affected by the age of the broken appliance or pipework.

Call me anyway. 24 Center's customer service agents have a desire to help customers in times of need. A call costs €0.99/min + pvm or mpm, but many issues can be resolved at home with tips based on the experience of our customer service agents.

24 Center also serves non-urgent orders. Work ordered at least three working days in advance also has a lower hourly rate. You can place an order yourself via online ordering on our website at

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Screaming smoke alarm

On a warm and calm June evening, a woman was spending a peaceful evening at home. However, the pleasant pastime was interrupted by a sudden startling noise. The homeowner's automatic

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Automation installation in Bajamaja

On a snowy Friday morning in January, 24 Center's customer service center received a call from a customer who needed a weight button and three time relays installed in his bajama. The work was urgent as the bayama was due to be used in the coming

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smoke alarm

Screaming smoke alarm

On a warm and calm June evening, a woman was spending a peaceful evening at home. However, the pleasant pastime was interrupted by a sudden startling noise. The homeowner's automatic

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