
Dishwasher installation

Dishwasher installation to english-speaking customer

It was a beautiful summer day in the beginning of july. The clock was 1.05 pm. The call center of 24 Center received a call. The first question was: “Hello, do you have service in english?”. -”Of course we do!”, was our answer.

The customer needed a dishwasher installation. It is one of the most common work of a plumber. But the problem was that the customer needed it very quickly. It had to be installed before weekend and it was already friday. The customer had called like to 10 different places, but all of them had just said that they don’t have time for this week anymore.

The customer was really happy when we said: “it is not a problem, we can make it”. We promised that the plumber will come in one hour. After 40 minutes of waiting, our plumber arrived to the destination. It took like 20 minutes to install the dishwasher. The problem was solved.

After the work we did, we got very pleasant feedback from the customer. He gave 4.00 grade to the customer service and 5.00 to the plumber, on a scale of 1 to 5. He also wrote to us: “I got all the answers I needed right away, the process was explained to me and I was pleased with the service. The plumber arrived at the agreed hour and was friendly, quick and efficient. My experience was very good. I’m a foreigner so I needed English speaking service, which I got. Communication was easy, timely and to the point.”

He also gave to as a good tip, when we asked: “how can we make our service even better than this?”. He said: “Perhaps have the message service (sms) in English for Foreigners.”

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